Activity 1: Alpine/Aeolian Challenges and Adaptations
Alpine/Aoelian » Unit 3: Life in the Kuahiwi and Kuamauna Zones » Activity 1: Alpine/Aeolian Challenges and Adaptations
Materials & Setup
Class Period One
- Slide projector and screen
- “Living in the Extremes” slide show and script (pp. 7-9)
For each of four student groups
- Student Page “Alpine/Aeolian Challenges and Adaptations” (p. 16)
- One set of Alpine/Aeolian Challenge and Adaptation Cards (master, pp. 12-15)
- Five paper clips
- Pencil with eraser
Class Period Two
- “Alpine/Aeolian Challenges and Adaptations Answer Key” (teacher background, pp. 10-11)
Class Period One
1) Before presenting the slide show, divide the class into four teams. Encourage teams to listen carefully to the information presented for a later activity that focuses on how plants and animals are adapted to life in the alpine/aeolian ecosystem. Show the “Living in the Extremes” slide show, reading the script that accompanies it.
2) Hand out one copy of the Student Page “Alpine/Aeolian Challenges and Adaptations” and one set of Alpine/Aeolian Challenge and Adaptation Cards to each group.
3) Allow student groups the remainder of the class to complete the activity outlined on the student page by matching the adaptations cards to the challenges.
Class Period Two
1) Take half a class period to discuss teams’ results from the previous day’s activity. Begin by asking one team to share the adaptations they matched to one of the challenges and explain their reasoning. Use the answer key to evaluate their responses, keeping in mind that logical reasoning may lead students to slightly different responses in some cases.
2) Continue the discussion by asking other teams to discuss their responses to each challenge until all have been covered.
Journal Ideas
- How do you think ancient Hawaiians could have protected themselves from the environmental extremes of the alpine/aeolian ecosystem?
- If you were going to spend several days in the summit area of Haleakalā, how would you protect yourself from the environmental conditions?
- Compare the things that people can do to protect themselves with plant and animal adaptations that allow them to survive in the alpine/aeolian ecosystem.
Assessment Tools
- Participation in group activity and class discussions
- Student Page “Alpine/Aeolian Challenges and Adaptations” (teacher version, pp. 10-11)
- Journal entries