Rain Forest » Unit 1: Why is the Rain Forest Wet? » Activity 1: Climate Connections
1) Show the “ʻAuhea wale ana ʻoe – E ka ua ʻUlalena” acetate. Have one or more students read the Hawaiian chant, then read the English translation. Ask the class why they think Hawaiians would be strongly connected to the rains and weather of specific places. Ask if they know anyone who is a keen weather observer.
2) Ask students to share some of their responses to the questions on the “Climate Connections” homework assignment. Begin with the place names and their meanings. Locate each place on the map as you discuss it. Then ask several students to share their rain descriptions, and locate the places they describe on the map as well.
3) Allow students the rest of the class period to write on one or more of the journal topics suggested below.
Journal Ideas
- Why is observing and understanding—and even predicting—the weather important to you and the activities you do?
- Do you have friends or family who live in more severe climates than Hawaiʻi? How is knowing about the weather important to them?
- Have you ever lived in a place where it rained a lot? What was it like to live there?
Assessment Tools
- Student Page “Climate Connections”
- Participation in the class discussion
- Journal entries
Media Resources
- None