Activity 2: Coastal Jeopardy Game
Coastal » Unit 2: Coastal Connections » Activity 2: Coastal Jeopardy Game
Materials & Setup
Class Period One
- “Coastal Jeopardy Questions and Answers” (pp. 37-46)
- “Coastal Jeopardy Rules” and Game Board acetates (master, pp. 47-51)
- Overhead projector and screen
- Stopwatch or a watch with a second hand
For each of four student teams
- Set of 44 “Coastal Species Cards” in color (from Activity #1)
For each student
- Student Page “Coastal Species List” (p. 52)
Class Period One:
1) Divide the class into four teams for the Coastal Jeopardy game. Give each team a number from one to four, or have them make up a name for themselves.
2) Make sure each group has a set of “Coastal Species Cards,” and allow them some time to study the information on the cards. An effective study strategy is to divide the cards evenly among students on the team and have each student study a small number of cards.
3) When the study time is finished, collect the species cards and hand out the Student Page “Coastal Species List” to each student. Explain to them that they will be able to refer to this list during the game but not to the species cards or any notes they may have taken.
4) Review the object, rules, and procedures for the game with students using the instructions given here and the rules on the “Coastal Jeopardy Rules” acetate.
5) Use the “Round 1 Game Board” acetate to begin the game. Cross off each category and $ value as it is selected. Read the corresponding statement from “Coastal Jeopardy Questions and Answers.”
6) Teams have 15 seconds to respond to questions. Continue play by following the rules, and keep score on the Game Board acetate.
7) The team with the largest score wins.
8) Play subsequent rounds in the same manner, using the appropriate game sheet acetate and questions.
9) Stop whatever round is in session at the end of the first class period, and determine a winner for whatever rounds have been played.
Class Period Two:
1) Divide the class into the same teams used during the first class period. If you think students need more time to study the species cards, give groups ten minutes to prepare.
2) Play the remaining rounds of Coastal Jeopardy. Whether you add today’s score to the previous scores or start with a clean slate is up to you.
Journal Ideas
- How does knowing more about coastal plant and animal species change how you think about coastal areas on Maui?
- What do you think is important to protect about the coastal ecosystem on Maui and elsewhere in Hawaiʻi?
- Why do you think coastal species figure prominently in Hawaiian legends?
Assessment Tools
- Individual preparation for and participation in the Coastal Jeopardy game
- Group preparation and performance in the game
- Journal entries
Media Resources
- None